Today was the big day! I checked the race website last night so that KISA and I could lay out our plans for Race Day. We set our alarms for 5:45am and 6:00am to make a race that started at 7:00am. We were rushing around to get our race rest only to wake up after what seemed to be five minutes after we fell asleep. Captain Awesome said it best, "That was the shortest night ever." He is so wise beyond his five years... We got our pre-race bagels and headed out the door.
We arrived at Custer Road United Methodist Church and noticed that it was pretty... Ummmm... What's the word? Oh, yeah. Empty. We went inside the church and were promptly asked if we needed assistance. I said, "We are here for the Fun Run. The website said the it was from 7:00 - 8:15." I was informed that I misread as registration was from 7:00 - 8:15 and the Fun Run started at 8, which makes sense. Why would a one mile run/walk last 75 minutes? So what do you do when you are over an hour early with a rambunctious five year old? Entertain him as best as possible. Luckily the staff at CRUMC were very considerate and overly helpful in making sure that our hour plus was as comfortable as possible.
I won't bore you with all of the details. Let me just say. Captain was... AWESOME!!! He absolutely killed it on this race. I was able to keep up with him for about 1/10th of a mile before he began to pull away from me. Every time he turned a corner, he would stop and look for me. I would yell, "Captain Awesome, keep going". At 3/4 of a mile, I mad an emergency call.
Gasping for air, I immediately gave KISA instructions, "Keep you (huff) eyes open (puff). He's (gasp, huff, puff) smoking me." KISA would later say that it was the funniest phone call he's ever received.
My precious little boy crossed the line 45 seconds (KISA says it was at least a full minute) before me. When I crossed the finish line, he was there to give me a high five.
I decided to interview my little man to get his insight on his experience. I hope you enjoy:
Mommy: How did you feel when we were at the start line of the race?
CA: Happy because it was my first race.
Mommy: When you were running and turned around and didn't see mommy, how did you feel?
CA: Sad. Actually still happy. I meant that.
Mommy: So, you weren't scared when you didn't see mommy?
CA: Nopity*, nopity, nope.
Mommy: When we went on training runs, you always wanted to rest, but during this race, you ran the whole thing. How did you do it?
CA: Because I just wanted to ruuuuun.
Mommy: What was your favorite part about running the race?
Mommy: What did you not like about the race?
CA: Nothing. I liked everything, everything, everything.
Mommy: How did you feel about running faster than mommy and a lot of other people older than you?
CA: Happy
*Please give me some leniency on how to spell the words of a five year old.
The next day, Captain Awesome woke up with sore legs. Ahhhh... Now that is a sign of a good run!
We arrived at Custer Road United Methodist Church and noticed that it was pretty... Ummmm... What's the word? Oh, yeah. Empty. We went inside the church and were promptly asked if we needed assistance. I said, "We are here for the Fun Run. The website said the it was from 7:00 - 8:15." I was informed that I misread as registration was from 7:00 - 8:15 and the Fun Run started at 8, which makes sense. Why would a one mile run/walk last 75 minutes? So what do you do when you are over an hour early with a rambunctious five year old? Entertain him as best as possible. Luckily the staff at CRUMC were very considerate and overly helpful in making sure that our hour plus was as comfortable as possible.
Gasping for air, I immediately gave KISA instructions, "Keep you (huff) eyes open (puff). He's (gasp, huff, puff) smoking me." KISA would later say that it was the funniest phone call he's ever received.
My precious little boy crossed the line 45 seconds (KISA says it was at least a full minute) before me. When I crossed the finish line, he was there to give me a high five.
I decided to interview my little man to get his insight on his experience. I hope you enjoy:
Mommy: How did you feel when we were at the start line of the race?
CA: Happy because it was my first race.
Mommy: When you were running and turned around and didn't see mommy, how did you feel?
CA: Sad. Actually still happy. I meant that.
Mommy: So, you weren't scared when you didn't see mommy?
CA: Nopity*, nopity, nope.
Mommy: When we went on training runs, you always wanted to rest, but during this race, you ran the whole thing. How did you do it?
CA: Because I just wanted to ruuuuun.
Mommy: What was your favorite part about running the race?
Mommy: What did you not like about the race?
CA: Nothing. I liked everything, everything, everything.
CA: Happy
Mommy: You got a really cool hand painted medal at the race. What are you going to do with it?
CA: Wear it all the time.
Mommy: Why do you like it so much?
CA: Because I earned it.
Mommy: Are you going to run another race?
CA: Nopity, nopity, nope.
*Please give me some leniency on how to spell the words of a five year old.
The next day, Captain Awesome woke up with sore legs. Ahhhh... Now that is a sign of a good run!
**Again, a big shout out to our hosts, Custer Road United Methodist Church. We ran the Esperanza 5K serving Juntos Servimos. The Esperanza 5K Race is in support of the work of Dr. Nancy Rodriguez and Larry Cox at Casa Bugambilia near Matamoros, Mexico. Casa Bugambilia shelters ill and abandoned persons until they can be reunited with their families. It is a center for diabetes prevention and treatment. It provides medical care and physical therapy to people without access to quality health care. Casa Bugambilia advances the education of children through preschool learning readiness classes, tutoring and education enrichment. The 2012 Esperanza 5K Race raised over $44,000 for the people in need in Matamoros, Mexico**
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